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Dravanian Down Tree

Dravanian Down Tree Sale History

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Total Quantity Sold per week


Region Price History

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Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

1 results found

Home Server Sales per Hour

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Dravanian Down Tree Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

54,753 gil

Median Price Difference

1,006 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

30,988 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

14 hours ago


14 hours ago


14 hours ago


14 hours ago


14 hours ago

5 results found

Affects the amount of progress achieved in a single synthesis step. Kunstfertigkeit: Beeinflusst den Fortschritt der Synthese. Je höher dieser Wert, desto schneller geht die Synthese voran. Affects the amount of progress achieved in a single synthesis step. Influence la progression réalisée lors d'un tour d'une synthèse. 製作での作業の進み方に影響します。 作業精度が高いほど、作業が多く進みます。 Affects the amount of quality improved in a single synthesis step. Kontrolle: Beeinflusst die Qualität bei der Synthese. Je höher dieser Wert, desto schneller steigt die Qualität an. Affects the amount of quality improved in a single synthesis step. Influence la qualité réalisée lors d'un tour d'une synthèse. 製作での品質の上がり方に影響します。 加工精度が高いほど、品質が多く上がります。 Upon the back of this crystal plaque are engraved the myriad creations of alchemists from eras past. Wenn du diesen Handwerker-Kristall anlegst, wirst du als Alchemist zum Spezialisten. Upon the back of this crystal plaque are engraved the myriad creations of alchemists from eras past. Ce joyau renferme les souvenirs et les secrets des alchimistes des temps passés. 錬金術師のマイスターとして認められた証 A unique species of flora found only growing in the Sea of Clouds. As its seeds do not take in soil from the lower realm, the trees must be planted and raised on sky islets before being transplanted. ※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type. Eine einzigartige Baumart, die nur im Wolkenmeer wächst. In niederen Regionen treiben die Samen nicht aus, daher müssen sie auf Inseln in der Luft angebaut und hochgezogen werden, ehe man sie umpflanzt. (Es sind bis zu zehn Blumenbeete pro Anwesen möglich.) A unique species of flora found only growing in the Sea of Clouds. As its seeds do not take in soil from the lower realm, the trees must be planted and raised on sky islets before being transplanted. ※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type. Un arbre au feuillage duveteux appartenant à une espèce poussant uniquement dans L'Écume des cieux de Dravania. [Jusqu'à 10 par jardin] ドラヴァニア雲海に自生する樹木を造園用に切り出したもの [合計10個まで設置可能]