Rainbow Campanulas

Rainbow Campanulas Sale History

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14 gil

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15 days ago


15 days ago


15 days ago

4 results found

A bunch of multicolored campanulas, selectively fertilized to achieve a variety of vibrant colors. Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates. Ein gemischtes Bund Glockenblumen in leuchtenden Farben. Kann in spezielle Vasen gestellt werden. A bunch of multicolored campanulas, selectively fertilized to achieve a variety of vibrant colors. Bouquets can be placed within select vases for display in estates. Un délicat bouquet de campanules d'un mélange de couleurs intenses. [Peut être disposé dans un vase spécial] 色とりどりに咲き乱れたカンパニュラ [特定の花瓶に挿すことができる]