Skybuilders' Camphorwood Log

Skybuilders' Camphorwood Log Sale History

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Skybuilders' Camphorwood Log Current Listings

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1,000 gil

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Last Review Time

20016 days ago

1 results found

Few members of the mortal races are equipped to make the perilous journey to the Churning Mists, and those who do normally hope to have more than a log or two to show for their troubles. Rohmaterial aus den Wallenden Nebeln für den Wiederaufbau der Himmelsstadt. (Für Aufträge des Wiederaufbaus Ishgards.) Few members of the mortal races are equipped to make the perilous journey to the Churning Mists, and those who do normally hope to have more than a log or two to show for their troubles. Une ressource de L'Écume des cieux de Dravania destinée au chantier d'Azurée. [Réservé à la reconstruction d'Ishgard] ドラヴァニア雲海で採れるイシュガルド復興用資材 [イシュガルド復興事業専用]