The tiny acorn that grew into this mighty oak had its life cut tragically short by the cruel axe of a woodsman (or possibly woodslady). If there is any justice in the world, it will be born anew as a nice dresser or an attractive hat stand.
Used in level 70 crafting recipes. Rohmaterial aus dem Diadem für den Wiederaufbau der Himmelsstadt. (Für Aufträge des Wiederaufbaus Ishgards.)
Materialkontrolle abgeschlossen und regulär verwendbar.
Zur Herstellung von Rezepten der Stufe 70. The tiny acorn that grew into this mighty oak had its life cut tragically short by the cruel axe of a woodsman (or possibly woodslady). If there is any justice in the world, it will be born anew as a nice dresser or an attractive hat stand.
Used in level 70 crafting recipes. Une ressource du Diadème destinée au chantier d'Azurée.
[Réservé à la reconstruction d'Ishgard][Déjà expertisé]
[Pour recette niv. 70] ディアデム諸島で採れるイシュガルド復興用資材