Apprentice's Practice Materials

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Eager to reduce pointless, pointless waste, Eorzea's guildmasters organized an assemblage of sacks of low-quality materials such as this one that artisans-in-training may practice their skills (or lack thereof, in many cases). However, advances in crafting tuition have rendered this collection of largely useless components entirely obsolete. Enthält zahlreiche Materialien für Handwerker aller Art zum Üben ihrer Handwerkskunst. Eager to reduce pointless, pointless waste, Eorzea's guildmasters organized an assemblage of sacks of low-quality materials such as this one that artisans-in-training may practice their skills (or lack thereof, in many cases). However, advances in crafting tuition have rendered this collection of largely useless components entirely obsolete. Un sac contenant divers matériaux que les artisans utilisaient autrefois afin de perfectionner leur art. かつてクラフターが製作の練習に用いていた素材