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Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore

Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore Sale History

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Region Price History

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Region Wide Stack Size History

This table shows the sale history for the last 7 days in your region by stack size. Including which stack size is most popular by number of purchases and total quantity sold.

Bundle Size
No# Sales
% of Sales
% of Total Sold

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Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore Current Listings

No listings data for Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore

As if specifying the location from which it is mined was not enough, the Skysteel engineers have also asked that you carry it about your person while walking an entire lap around Ishgard, so that it may soak up the local atmosphere. Material zum Verbessern von Himmelsstahl-Werkzeugen. As if specifying the location from which it is mined was not enough, the Skysteel engineers have also asked that you carry it about your person while walking an entire lap around Ishgard, so that it may soak up the local atmosphere. Un morceau de minerai de fer beitetsu destiné à l'amélioration des outils de Cielacier. スカイスチールツールの改良に適した性質を持つ餅鉄