Mind Materia II

Mind Materia II Sale History

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2 results found

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Mind Materia II Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

0 gil

Median Price Difference

0 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

2,000 gil

Price Per Unit
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Last Review Time

10 days ago


10 days ago

2 results found

A crystal that was once believed to be capable of enhancing a piece of equipment's mind attribute. Eine Materia zur Erhöhung der Willenskraft. A crystal that was once believed to be capable of enhancing a piece of equipment's mind attribute. Une matéria qui aurait pour propriété d'accroître l'esprit. 心力を高めると信じられていたマテリラ Affects healing magic potency. Also affects attack magic potency when role is Healer. Willenskraft: Beeinflusst die Stärke der Heilmagie und die Stärke der Offensivmagie von Heilern. Affects healing magic potency. Also affects attack magic potency when role is Healer. Influence la puissance magique offensive des soigneurs et la puissance de la magie curative. 回復魔法威力と「Healer」ロールの攻撃魔法威力に影響を与えます。