Eastern Cherry Tree

Eastern Cherry Tree Sale History

No historical data for Eastern Cherry Tree

Eastern Cherry Tree Current Listings

Avg Price Difference

127,666,666 gil

Median Price Difference

5,000,000 gil

Avg Time Difference

0 minutes

Median Time Difference

0 minutes

Minimum Price

37,000,000 gil

Price Per Unit
Retainer Name
Last Review Time

16 minutes ago


16 minutes ago


16 minutes ago


16 minutes ago

4 results found

A variety of cherry tree from the Far East modified through generations of grafting and crossbreeding to bloom perpetually. Eine Kirschbaumart aus dem Fernen Osten. Über Generationen hinweg gezüchtet, um immerwährend zu blühen. A variety of cherry tree from the Far East modified through generations of grafting and crossbreeding to bloom perpetually. Ce spécimen d'arbre domien qui produit des fleurs rose pâle a été prélevé et replanté pour être cultivé à des fins ornementales. 薄桃色の花を咲かせる東方の樹木を造園用に切り出したもの